
Market Research

Market Research & Analysis

The ClearPath team provides meaningful and insightful market research including market scope and structure, competitive assessments, need and trend analyses, community mapping, and positioning studies as well as customer and stakeholder surveys, and business case development.  We use formal conventional methodologies as well as extensive leading digital research technology and practices to evaluate all key audience types and the relevant digital landscape, when required.

We ensure our market research is actionable, and that it answers each client’s specific questions in addition to the typical ones below which most engagements include:

  • What, where and how big are the opportunities that are relevant to our business/organization?
  • What factors are influencing the market demand today and what will impact the market demand in the future?
  • What do customers/stakeholders actually want to” buy” compared to what suppliers are selling or providing?
  • Are there sustained unmet, under served or emerging needs that we could potentially fill?

ClearPath uses a multi-stage iterative process that is tailored as required to meet the unique needs of each individual client.  We begin with preliminary primary research via consultation with representative stakeholders, experts, leaders, and influencers as well as those on the fringe and adjacent sectors, to guide the next phase, in-depth digital research.  As the digital research progresses, key findings are captured in a formal framework and analyzed, identifying relevant patterns, relationships, issues and opportunities.