
Digital Marketing & Media

Digital Marketing & Media

ClearPath works with clients to develop and implement effective integrated, multi-channel digital marketing and media strategies tailored to meet the specific needs of their organizations.  We help clients build the bridges they need, and develop or join the communities required for their businesses to succeed.

We believe in a comprehensive/portfolio approach, to ensure client success is not dependent upon only a small number of channels, communities or individuals.  While we have many tools available, it’s about clearly understanding each client’s unique objectives and goals, and the tangible results they need to see, and then bringing the tools, knowledge and capabilities that are best suited for their exact needs.

The ClearPath approach enables clients to select and effectively use a wide range of channels, plan and implement customer/stakeholder acquisition, and drive growth in engagement and retention.  Underpinning everything is a foundation of insight and analytics that enables clients to measure, understand and impact performance.

Of course, while digital marketing and media deliver significant value, they are not the answer for every marketing and community-building need.  That’s where our knowledge in conventional marketing comes in play.  We bring extensive experience in good old-fashioned marketing, helping our clients develop and implement strategies that effectively tap into the best of both worlds.